
Effective Workouts That Be Done Anywhere

Working out does not have to be in the gym and you don’t need to use several equipment. You can always do it at home or wherever you are. Below are 25 exercises that give you a complete body workout. These exercises include cardio as well toning and strengthening of muscles.

Crunch-extend leg reach.

Purpose: Focuses on your corset (natural weight-lifting muscles) and six-pack muscles.

Steps: Lie flat on your back with hands behind head. Bend your knees at 90 degrees feeling your abs contract. While on this position, inhale and crunch up then hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Exhale while extending legs to 45 degrees then hold for 3 to 5 seconds. Do 10 to 15 reps and complete 2 sets.

Swan dive. This is a routine from Kristin McGee’s Secret to an Amazing Body Pilates

Purpose: For making back muscles stronger and for enhancing posture.

Steps: On a mat, lie on your stomach while stretching your arms overhead and pointing your toes. After that, lift your arms and legs for about 6 inches from the ground. Stay in this position for 1 count then rotate your arms until it reaches the sides of your body. As you exhale, reach your toes with your palms facing your body. Stay in this position for 1 count then return arms to the initial position. Relax to complete one rep. Do 6 to 8 reps.

Eagle pose.

Purpose: A perfect move to check balance and to stimulate lower body muscles to keep balance.

Steps: Stand with feet together then slightly bend your knees. Raise your arms on your side then intertwine your left arm with your right with your left palm pressing the right palm. Bend your knees lower then crisscross your left leg with your right leg as if your thighs are wrapped together. While on this position, bend forward squeezing your thighs then hold for 5 breaths. Do this on the other leg and arm.

V arm-leg reach.

Purpose: For activating every abdominal muscle.

Steps: Lie flat on your back and bend your left knee. Your right arm should be on your side. Raise your right leg and left arm 90 degrees then extend them outside your body forming a V-shape making sure not to move your hips and shoulders. Focus on your abs as you move your raised arm and leg to your body center. Switch side after doing 10 to 12 reps. Repeat routine.


Chair twist

Purpose: A routine for making your lower and upper abdominal muscles, oblique muscles, hips, thighs and butt stronger.

Steps: Stand with feet together with your both arms raised overhead then bend your knees and hips until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Pull your palms together assuming a praying position then twist shoulders to the right until your left elbow is secured to your outer right knee. Stay in this position for 6 seconds then go back to initial position. Repeat but twist shoulders on the left to complete 1 rep and do 3 reps.

Caterpillar plank

Purpose: A challenging modified traditional plank that is marvelous for upper body and core.

Steps: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart then assume a plank position and your shoulders are directly above your wrist. Do 1 push up then twist your waist as you bend your left knee until it reaches your chest. Return to plank position and repeat on the opposite knee then stand.

Straight-line side lifts.

Purpose: For shaping outer thighs and eliminating belly fats giving an hour-glass shape body.

Steps: Lie on your left keeping your legs straight and stack the right leg on top of the left.  Slightly scoop forward and flex your feet. Your head should be rested on your straight left arm. Upon inhaling, lift both legs off the ground making sure that your move legs as one then exhale as your lower them to about 1 inch off the ground. After doing 10 to 12 sets, switch sides and repeat steps for a complete set. Do 3 sets.


Knee lift-leg kick combo

Purpose: For toning outer leg muscles and obliques.

Steps: Lie on your right side with your right elbow supporting your upper body. Stack your legs on top of each other with your knees bend. Lift both legs at about 1 to 2 inches off the ground. Lift your left leg then lower it. Lay your both legs straight and assume a slightly splitting position. Keep your right leg hovered. Return to initial position, completing 1 rep.

Chaturanga. An extra challenging yoga step by  Kristin McGee on her Yoga Routine for Strong, Slim Arms.

Purpose: For making wrists, arms, abdominal muscles, and lower back stronger.

Steps: Assume a plank position with your elbows bent on a 90-degree angle and your palms on the floor. Make sure your body is in a straight line. Slowly lower your body to the floor then contract your abs, being careful not to rotate your shoulders forward.

Note: If you’re unable to control your body while you lower it to the ground, begin with knees on the floor.


Leg extension crunches

Purpose: For eliminating lower belly pooch

Steps: Sit with your hands just behind your butt and palms on the floor. Bend knees and do a sit-up. Extend legs then lift them as high as possible.  Lower legs and hover. Repeat 15 times.

Opposite arm and leg lift

Purpose: For building a strong back and for maintaining a good posture. This will also tone your shoulder and gluteal muscles.

Steps: Kneel then bend your hips 90 degrees forward with your arms on the floor supporting your body. Straighten your right arm forward and your left leg backwards making them parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for 5 seconds then return to initial position to complete one rep. Repeat 10 to 15 times.

Caterpillar walk

Purpose: For toning upper body.

Steps: Stand, feet together. Bend your hips until your hand reach the floor. Walk with your hands without moving your feet until your body has straighten, almost parallel to the floor then do one push up. Without moving your hands, walk towards them then stand. Repeat 10 times.

Warrior 3 Yoga Pose. This is from Kristine McGee’s Cellulite-fighting Yoga routine.

Purpose: Testing balance, core strengthening and toning legs.

Steps: Stand with feet together with arms on the sides. Bend 90 degrees forward while moving your left leg backwards. Your head, back, arms, left thigh and toes should form a  horizontal straight line. Stay in this position for 10 seconds then slowly stand straight. Do it on the opposite side and repeat.


Tricep dips

Purpose: For toning back of arms.

Steps: Sit with legs straight and heels on the floor. Your hands should be just behind your butt, shoulder-width apart.  Flex and extend your elbows, lifting your hips on the process. Do this 20 times.

Squat side kick

Purpose: For testing balance and stimulating body muscles. Ideal for toning legs and gluteal muscles.

Steps: Stand, feet hip-width apart and your arms on your waist. Bend your knees a little then flex your knees until it reaches your hips. Kick towards your right side then pull your knees back in and stand. Do this 10 times then do it on the other leg. Repeat this set 3 times.

Scale pose. A routine by Bethenney Frankel (Flat-Belly Workout)

Purpose: Makes the arms, core and pelvic floor stronger for better posture and sex.

Steps: Assume an Indian sit with your hands just beside your hips. Lift your body off the ground by pushing your hand on the floor. Stay on this position for 6 seconds then go back to initial position. If you’re unable to lift your body, just extend your legs on the floor then lift your butt. Repeat thrice.

Side crunch and pulse

Purpose: To tone your 6 packs.

Steps: Lie on your back with knees bent to 90-degree angle and your hands behind your head. Lower your knees to the left as you crunch. Do this for 15 to 25 times. Return to initial position. Crunch as left arm extends the pulse forward 15 to 25 times. Repeat this on the opposite side to complete 1 set. Finish 2 sets.

Boat Pose

Purpose: For toning lower belly and preventing lower-belly pooch.

Steps: Sit then bend your knees and put your hands beneath your knees. Straighten your back then lift your legs until they are parallel to the floor and balance on your rear, forming a V shape with your body. After that, stretch your arms forward then slowly lower your legs. Hover for about 5 slow deep breaths. Relax. Repeat 3 times.

Low lunge hover

Purpose: For tightening leg muscles.

Steps: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot back while lowering your body and bending your left knee into 90-degree angle. Extend your arms overhead aligning them with your ears. Straighten your left knee as your bend on your hips forward with keeping your right foot extended. Your body should for a T to complete a rep. Do this on the other leg and repeat.

Side incline with a twist

Purpose: Works on biceps, triceps, core and waste.

Steps: Lie on your right side with your elbow on the floor to support your body and stack your legs. Lift your hips making your body form a straight line. Raise your left arm towards the sky then twist your body towards the ground placing your left arm on the space between the ground and your chest, making sure to twist only your waist going up. Return to initial position, repeating this 4 times then relax. Do this on the other side.

 Table twister

Purpose: For cardio and making muscles stronger.

Steps: Sit and bend your knees, with feet slightly apart on the ground. Lean backwards with your arms on the ground with fingers pointing outside your body. Lift your hips until your elbows are fully extended and your knees are bent on a 90-degree angle. Raise your right arm, twist your body to the left and punch on your left side with your right arm. Do this on the opposite side for 1 minute.

Booty burn

Purpose: For toning and strengthening butt muscles as well as reducing fat on thigh muscles.

Steps: Kneel with your hands on the floor, making sure your body is parallel to the floor. Lift your right leg and move it towards the side of your body, like a dog peeing. Repeat 30 times. After that, raise your right let higher until it’s parallel to the ground. Repeat 30 times then return to initial position. Do the same on the other side.

Incline plank

Purpose: For engaging, toning and strengthening the following muscles: biceps, triceps, core, chest, quads, hamstrings and butt.

Steps: Sit with legs on the floor fully extended. Hands should be a little behind the waist. Lift hips until your heels and soles are on the ground and your arms are perpendicular to the ground. Raise your left leg as high as possible then slowly lower it making sure not to set your body on the ground. Repeat 4 times then do the same on the other side.

Hip heist push-up

Purpose: For burning calories.

Steps: Assume a push up position. Raise your right hand and left leg. Turn 180 degrees to the right while bending your knees. After that, both arms should be on the ground and knees are bent 90 degrees making sure that your body is still lifted. Return to push up position by turning 180 degrees to the right. Do the same on the opposite side

Y-squat calf raise

Purpose: Works on back, abs, quadriceps, butt and claves

Steps: Stand with feet slightly apart. While raising your hands overhead, squat until thighs and calves form a 90-degree angle. You should form a Y shape. Quickly stand on the balls of your feet then repeat steps. Do this 20 times then a 1-minute jumping jacks after.

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