Fat Loss

Behold: The seven ways to burn fat without lifting a weight

Assuming you’re already doing the basic things you need in order to lose fat. Basically, these include lifting weights, doing cardio, having a healthy diet, and most of all keeping your calories at low level. But did you know that there are quite things you can do to boost fat loss even further and they don’t require heavy lifting at all.

The seven ways to burn fat without lifting a weight or touching for that matter.

  1. Protein is your best friend. Are you familiar with (BMR) or widely known as Basal Metabolic Rate. Did you know that this is a natural way to burn calorie without moving at all? In fact, you burn them every day just by staying alive and it actually accounts for most of the calories you burn throughout the day.
  2. BCAAs pre-workout. Branched-chain amino acids or (BCAAs) can help increase fat loss and maintain muscle mass while on diet. During calorie restriction, BCAAs helped athletes shed about 17% more fat than a control group, according to French researchers.
  3. Green Tea. Researchers from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking green tea helps burn excess calorie in the body throughout the day and increase fat oxidation. Aside from drinking the stuff, you can get a concentrated dose of green tea extract. It is believed that 3 capsules daily have been shown to be effective.
  4. Fish oil in take. A trivia shows that fish oil can generate more fat loss with the same amount of exercise. Did you know that not only has it been linked to improve heart health, reduced arthritis, and slow the growth of cancer cells it can also be an alternative way to burn calorie without doing exercise. Although, fish oil can help amplify the amount of fat you burn during exercise.
  5. Intermittent Fasting. The core of the intermittent fasting trend is a long period without food intake punctuated by small windows in before eating a lot. By lengthening the time between meals (anywhere from 12 to even 24 hours), you can elevate your insulin sensitivity and burn more fat.
  6. Eat a whole lot of meal after workout. If normally your largest meal is dinner, and you normally work out before lunch, for example. Try to eat more for lunch and less meal for dinner. At this rate it will minimize any unwanted fat gains. After a fierce weight workout, your body usually craves carbs and starches to restore glucose levels and to stop the breakdown of muscle. At this rate your insulin sensitivity and metabolism are also at the highest peak.
  7. Drink water when you wake up. When waking up, we are dehydrated, no water since before falling asleep. Dehydration paralyzes fat loss because your metabolism slows down to conserve fluids. A study in University of Rochester mentioned that the loss of even one percent               of your body weight in water can impair exercise performance

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