Fat Loss

Fat Loss Secret Revealed!

I know a lot of people is searching the internet with the formula that can do the magic for them.  There are different occasions when we want to look and feel great, like wedding or upcoming company beach outing.

My answer to these people is pretty much the same regardless of who is seeking the magic potion. On the surface, it’s about:

  1. Shoring up your diet (probably 80% of the battle)
  2. Performing muscle-stimulating, high-effort exercise

That means we can eliminate these tactics:

  • 45-minute treadmill walks while watching the fraudulent Dr. Oz show.
  • Minimal calorie-burning yoga, Pilates, or PiYo classes. Come on, you can do better than that for the amount of time spent exuding effort.
  • Sad to say, but any of those abdominal-only classes touting names like Belly-Blaster, All Abs, Thirty-Minute Abs, or Ab Express.
  • Any group exercise class that is more mentally fun than physically challenging. Seriously, if you’re simply having fun and not busting your ass, then you are wasting your time if you’re in pursuit of a lean body.

know, I’ve promulgated this advice many times before, and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it. But people still ask me the same questions and if your body still sucks, obviously you’ve not heeded my recommendations. It’s time to strap it on and actually take serious action.

It’s (Almost) All About Your Intake

Regarding calorie intake, if your diet stinks, do this:

  • Cut back your total daily calorie intake. If you’re consuming 3,500 calories, reduce it to 3,000. Hey, it’s a start. To know exactly how many calories you need to lose fat based on your body, age, and activity level, this tool will get you close.
  • Eliminate processed food. I know it’s tough because that stuff is everywhere. Sorry to say, but this includes prepared microwavable and boxed foods, instant heat or boil packs, and other similar products.
  • Replace soda, energy drinks, and fruit drinks with plain water. Add some lemon or lime juice to give it some flavor if you hate plain water.
  • Take fresh vegetables and fruit to work as a between-meal snack. Celery sticks, carrot sticks, cauliflower, grapes, an apple, a peach, strawberries, or whatever you can put in a container or sealed bag.
  • If you’re a grain-carb fanatic, try whole-grain items.


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